Saturday, 21 December 2013

My Versatile Blogger Award

I am pleased to have been given the Versatile Blogger Award by Broody Me for writing good, interesting and versatile posts.  In order to accept this award I have to write seven random facts about me and nominate blogs I find enjoyable to read.

  1. I want to have at least ten babies when I am older.
  2. My favourite colour is dark red.
  3. I want to be a fashion designer, forensic scientist, author, midwife or actress.
  4. My favourite computer game is the Sims 3 and I can't wait until the Sims 4 comes out.
  5. My worst meal is anything with fish fingers.
  6. I can run 5 miles without stopping.
  7.  My favourite animal is a giraffe.
The blogs I am going to nominate are...

I look forward to seeing seven random facts about you guys and who you nominate.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Giveaway: Personalised love2read Book

For your chance to win an amazing love2read book with your own photographs and words in please enter the simple Rafflecopter form below.

Competition closes 30/12/2013
UK only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

How Me And My Siblings Earn Pocket Money

If you have a child who desperately wants money to save up for something then I have got a few good ideas.
1) Wash up.
2) They could (if you have chickens) clean out the chicken coop, get clean water, get them clean food and collect their eggs.
3) Hoover the house and tidy up the house.
4) Clean the bathroom. 
5) Wash the car.
Me, my brother and my sister take turns washing up and get paid £1. I think £1 is a very good price because you don't want to pay them too much or too little.

Honey x

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Should My Sisters Go To School?

My Mummy is getting very annoyed with all our arguing and asked us if we would rather go to school, I would never EVER go to school so obviously I said 'no way!' but my two sisters said 'yes, yes!'. Now Mummy has emailed the head teacher and if they get a place, well, it will upset me because I love playing with them even if we argue or wind each other up and not just that they will have to wear the WORST clothes in the world. In the school that they might go to you have to wear a horrible GREY skirt or dress and a white top or blue top and you also have to wear the worst ever black or brown shoes. Even after years I don't understand why you can't wear whatever you want. I hate the way that when someone goes to school they have to get so patronized. Some children don't realize it but others do and I realise it and I HATE it. I feel so sorry for the little children that get patronized but are too shy or polite to say 'you're patronizing me, can you stop, please?'. Sometimes I am too shy but people don't usually do it to me anymore. And some people hit you while there walking along and pretend nothing happened. And that's what its like when someone goes to school, usually. The teachers think you're babyish and don't know anything, when actually some people do. This is why I hate school and not for any reason would I go. If your child hates school maybe you should think about home educating them if you have the time. Some people don't have the time. I have got a tip for anyone who is trying to teach their child to read or write or anything like that make sure they are having fun, if you're teaching them to read get them a funny book or some books like this Little Red Riding HoodHansel and GretelThe Gruffalo or The Gruffalo's Child and so on.

Honey x

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Big Brother

I love my big brother a lot but I just don't see him that much because he is always out with his friends or in his room. I suppose that's what teenagers are like. But he is so good at computer games, art and board games. He is a kind brother and is very generous at times and can be really funny.
He is really tall!
Once it was the night before my birthday and I was about to go to bed but he said 'I've got a treat for you' and he gave me 5 big bits of toberlerone and then said 'don't tell anyone!'. He is very generous, see!

Honey x

Friday, 1 November 2013

My Little Sister

I have got a very cute little sister who loves to be different from everyone else. She is the brave and sarcastic one and she enjoys playing with  her big sisters! She also loves being mollycoddled by me. But not just that, she likes to be sneaky and naughty when she thinks no one is watching!
Lovely and pretty!
She LOVES annoying people, though. But she doesn't do it all the time, mainly when she is bored. She loves being the little sister and gets a bit jealous of our little brothers! She loves singers like Björk and Luke Steele and wants to be a singer herself.
Trying to balance a spoon!
Honey x

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Everyone Is Getting Better!

I woke up to hear my sister being sick. Mum got up and cleaned the sick and bathed my sister.  I looked at my alarm clock to see what the time was and it was 5.AM. I fell back asleep and then when it was 8.AM my little brother, who's one, started crying so I took him downstairs and did the usual stuff I do everyday with him. Then everyone woke up and since the morning my sister has not been feeling well at all. She was sick again but after she was sick again she was a bit better. I am glad she's a bit better now.

Everyone has been looking after Mummy because she had a miscarriage and lost loads of blood and had to go to hospital and have a drip in each arm. She has rested in bed for the last couple of days and is a lot better. At least everyone is getting better. You can read about my Mummy's miscarriage here.

Well that whats been happening recently!

Honey X

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Biology - Human Reproduction

Today I was learning about sperms travelling to the egg and it was very interesting. It said how the sperms have to travel seven-inches to get to the egg and the egg has the power to excite them. Once a sperm has got into the egg the egg seals itself shut. When people have twins that are not identical that is when two sperms each enter into different eggs. Sperms that do not make it into the egg rest their heads on the fallopian tube. They can survive like that for several days. If you are interested in this I recommend this book Beginning Life. You can get it from Amazon here

Honey x

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Our Autumn Walk

I love autumn. Seeing all the leaves fall off the trees and getting ready for the winter is all amazing! Lately I have been thinking about doing a conker competition with my siblings, so we have all been collecting loads of conkers! We all love going for walks everyday and we always love going to the park, but what's best of all is collecting stuff!
Lovely leaf.
Another lovely leaf.
A little spiky ball. 
I love autumn!
Honey XXX

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Little Brothers

I love my little brothers, even if they are annoying I will always love them. I think having siblings is one of the most amazing things in my life. Having lovely brothers and sisters is so good!

Gorgeous Boy! 
Of  course, having a baby brother is AMAZING!!!! Look at him, doesn't he look sooooooooooooooooo cute?!

Love that face!
I love them both so much and everyday my love for them grows bigger and bigger. I could not imagine life without them. They are both so nice, funny, intelligent, generous, STRONG and loving brothers. Here are a few more pictures of them:

Honey XXX

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Happy Life

I wake up every day and think about what an amazing family I have and how I am very lucky with what I have got and I love having a big family, it makes me so happy. I love looking after everyone in the family and I definitely love looking after babies! I think all babies are very cute!

Honey x

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Mathletics, meringues and marshmallows

I have an older brother who goes to secondary school and is doing his GCSEs and I am home educated with my two younger brothers and sisters.  I got a Mathletics account a few days ago and it's amazing! I got a certificate on my first day on it! I now go on everyday because I love it so much and I find it very easy.

A biology lesson

On Thursday I did a Science test on materials and I really enjoyed it. The main subjects I  enjoy are science, maths, English and baking. We always do a subject at about 10am and then have a break at 12am for lunch and then we do the rest of the subjects and finish at about 1am. The main reason why we finish lessons early is because we like to get all of that out of the way so we can play and go for walks.

A couple of days ago we made meringues and I personally think that they are the best meringues I have ever had! And then two days after that we made baby blue marshmallows that were very sticky but yummy!!!

                          Honey x